Out of the Void
Theme: Based on interviews with participants in Beit T’Shuvah, an addiction treatment center based in LA, CA , a group of individuals share their experience with addiction and how the experience shapes their identities and relationships.
Sound Goal: The sounds aim to support self-reflective, internal monologues by
Providing musical soundscape that corresponds to the emotional arches in individual scene.
Re-creating event through metaphorical gestures. The performance location also takes place at this in-the-round outdoor space.
A group of people talk about their deteriorating relationship with their addiction.
The glooming, ominous beats and the unpredictable meters represent the anxiety and depression one might feel during relapse. Around 1:53, one person experiences an overdose, and we witness a "out-of-body" moment.
Star Dust
While consumed with self-loathing and shame most of the time, people temporarily make peace with themselves and experience a spiritual awakening.
Domestic Violence
The addict mother apologizes to her daughter for the misery and pain she brought in their life.
The sounds of drawers opening, bottle rolling, and plates clanking represents the instability of an addict mother in the child's eyes, and the glass smashing implies the occurrence of domestic violence.
Production Team
Director: Chloe King
Assistant Director: Bella Keeme
Stage Manager: Nicole Cortese
ASM: Shannon Murphy
Production Manager: Laie Matkin
Production Assistant: Paulina Reyes
Sound Designer: Pan-Pan Gou
Tolu Ekisola, Rachel Bagby, Brianna Ureta, Jeyna Lynn Gonzales, Ryan Juttner, Yvonne DiGirolamo, Aziza Stewart