Beya Luna
(Music Technology Performance)
Piece Title: Beya Luna
Prompt: Greatly inspired by composer and singer Pamela Z, I have always been a big fan of vocal music that is cleverly layered, blended, and manipulated to create a unique texture. The word “Beya Luna” kinda of came out of no where when I was trying things. Besides the literal meaning of “moon”(Beya could also be traced back to various language with meaning such as “life”, “joy” “beautiful”, etc ), there is also something phonetically pleasing about how the syllables can be broken down for this piece.
Signal Flow:
I attached input interfaces such as distance sensor, light sensor, button switches, and step maps to the circuit board. I then programmed Arduino to send trigger messages to Max/MSP, which then affect the processing chain for the voice in real-time.
Utilizing effects such as pitch shift, delay, reverb, recording and looping, I created this piece called “Beya Luna” I am passionate how music technology can help elevate the human voice and create transcendent, ethereal experience.
One of the sensors: Adafruit VL53L0X Time of Flight Distance Sensor